The School Sports Programme-Cycling

Sport Demonstration

There will be demonstration of skills and play-in sessions which include introduction of different types of bikes (including road bike, track bike, mountain bike and BMX), bike accessories and competition events.

2. Easy Sport Programme (Bronze Level)

The training covers the skills needed for attaining the bronze level of the CAHK’s badges award scheme. The training includes Safety rules of cycling, Cycling signals, Checking of bikes & Basic handling skills.

Bronze level assessment route

Outreach Coaching Programme – Non-school team (Silver Level)

The training covers the skills needed for attaining the silver level of the CAHK’s badges award scheme. The training includes Safety rules of cycling, Cycling signals, Checking, setting up and adjusting of bikes, Use of derailleurs & Basic handling skills.

Silver level assessment route

Outreach Coaching Programme – School team (Gold Level)

The training covers the skills needed for attaining the gold level of the CAHK’s badges award scheme. The training includes Safety rules of cycling, Cycling signals, Checking, setting up and adjusting of bikes, Use of derailleurs, Basic knowledge about competitions & Handling emergencies.

Gold level assessment route

Joint Schools Sports Training Programme

Veteran coaches from the CAHK will conduct continuous and systematic training for talented students to enhance their skill level.